Skill Development

In consonance with the National Vision of making India the Skills Capital of the world we at CMCORPS Integrated services Pvt. Ltd have embarked on the journey to be valuable partners with the government. India is poised to become a global economic power and for this it needs to equip its workforce with employable skills and knowledge.
India is today one of the youngest nations in the world. In next 20 years, the labor force in the industrialized world is expected to decline by 4%, while in India it will increase by 32%. The bulk of India's population, nearly two-thirds, is in the working age group from 15-64 years but the median age of the country is still just 24, making it a rather young country with a large productive workforce.
Skills and knowledge development are the driving forces behind the financial growth and community development of any country. Building Skills is essential to empower individuals and improve their social acceptance. This must be complemented by suitable employment opportunities to meet the rising aspirations of youth.

Training Process

Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for every country. Our employment-oriented skill training programs have been developed in line with current skill sets demanded by the industry. Our proven team of skills professionals known for competence and integrity impart comprehensive training and share their vast and rich experience in the classroom. The process involved certain steps like- Mobilization, Counseling, Training, Assessments, OJT & Placements.

Smart classrooms
Highly capable trainers
Highly capable labs
Five grading infrastructure centers
Hostel and food facility for the residential centres
Prime location of the centre
Industrial visits
Guest lectures
Personality development + Interview skill set + motivational sessions.
Theory & Practical teaching along with soft-skills & IT development
Regular tests and Mock interviews
Internal assessment – 2 forth nightly test after 15 and 45 days of training.
2 monthly tests after 30 and 60 days of training.

Life Cycle of Skill India Projects


The challenge lies not only in a huge quantitative expansion of facilities for Skills Training, but also in raising their quality. India is on the path of becoming a global sourcing hub for skilled employees and at CMCORPS Integrated Services Pvt. Ltd. we aim to contribute in this direction by providing high quality skilled students as per International Standards.

Creating jobs for young people is a major challenge around the world and specially in India, unemployment is a much larger issue since we have the world’s largest youth population. What’s more young Indians face major challenges because of poverty and low levels of human capital. We have taken it as our duty to make education affordable for the talented who cannot afford higher education and provide quality jobs to all the students who pass through our Institutions.